Jules Nicole
Spiritual Ministries

Book your exclusive experience
Grow Spiritually
Gain Spiritual Wisdom & Knowledge
Experience Physical and Emotional Healing
Practice Healing Meditation and Prayer
Connect the Human Experience & Spirituality
Heal Relationships, Self-Confidence,
Manifest Blessings & Create a New World of Joy and Abundance
Clergy Tasks

Book your Wedding Ceremony, End of Life Service and Prayer, Home and Baby Dedication.
State of Massachusetts License coming Spring 2023
Returning Clients Booster Session

Book your Booster Session today,
to gain insight on specific matters pertaining to life's experiences that occur for spiritual consultation, guidance and support.
Public Speaking

Personal Experience & Educational Background
Spiritual Growth & Inspiring Motivational Topics,
Mental Health, Trauma & Resiliency, Family & Children,
Healthy Relationships or Intimate Partner Violence, Commercially Exploited Children, Addiction & Recovery
Healing Prayer

Schedule a Healing Prayer and Meditation Session